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CD40 Ligand信息

英文名称:CD40 ligand
靶点别称:CD154 Antigen,HCD40L,CD154,TNFSF5,CD40L,CD40 ligand, soluble form,CD40 ligand, membrane form,Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 5,T-cell antigen Gp39,CD40-L,CD40LG,TNF-Related Activation Protein,Tumor Necrosis Factor (Ligand) Superfamily Member 5,T-B Cell-Activating Molecule,T-BAM,HIGM1,Gp39,IMD3,IGM,CD40 Ligand,CD40 Antigen Ligand,TRAP,Tumor Necrosis Factor (Ligand) Superfamily, Member 5 (Hyper-IgM Syndrome),Hyper-IgM Syndrome,sCD40L


项目名称 项目阶段 分子类型 分子来源 疾病领域 适应症

Licensing 项目合作

项目名称 药物类型 治疗领域 适应症 阶段 权益地区

CD40 Ligand产品列表


CD40 Ligand分子别名


CD40 Ligand分子背景

CD40 ligand is also known as CD40L, CD154, TNFSF5 and T-cell antigen Gp39, is a single-pass type I I membrane protein which belongs to the TNF superfamily of molecules. CD40 ligand is expressed predominantly on activated CD4+ T lymphocytes, and also found in other types of cells, including platelets, mast cells, macrophages, basophils, NK cells, B lymphocytes, as well as non-haematopoietic cells (smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells, and epithelial cells). Although all monomeric, dimeric and trimeric forms of soluble CD40 ligand can bind to CD40, the trimeric form of soluble CD40 ligand has the most potent biological activity through oligomerization of cell surface CD40, a common feature of TNF receptor family members.
CD40 ligand binds to CD40 on antigen-presenting cells (APC), which leads to many effects depending on the target cell type. In general, CD40 ligand plays the role of a costimulatory molecule and induces activation in APC in association with T cell receptor stimulation by MHC molecules on the APC. In total CD40 ligand has three binding partners: CD40, α5β1 integrin and αIIbβ3. CD40 ligand regulates B cell function by engaging CD40 on the B cell surface. A defect in this gene results in an inability to undergo immunoglobulin class switch and is associated with hyper IgM syndrome.

CD40 Ligand临床药物信息

英文名称 研发代码 研发阶段 公司 适应症 临床试验
MEM-288 MEM-288 临床一期 Memgen 实体瘤, 头颈癌, Merkel细胞癌, 肿瘤, 胰腺癌, 三阴性乳腺癌, 鳞状细胞癌, 非小细胞肺癌, 转移癌, 黑色素瘤 详情
AdCD40L 临床二期 Uppsala University 膀胱癌, 黑色素瘤 详情
Letolizumab BMS-986004; BMS2h-572-633-CT-L2 临床一期 百时美施贵宝 特发性血小板减少性紫癜, 移植物抗宿主病 详情
APB-A1 APB-A1; Lu-AG22515 临床一期 AprilBio Co Ltd 视神经脊髓炎 详情
TNX-1500 TNX-1500 临床一期 Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp 自身免疫疾病, 器官移植排斥, 神经系统自身免疫疾病 详情
Frexalimab INX-021; SAR-441344 临床三期 Immunext Inc 一型糖尿病, Sjtoegren综合征, 多发性硬化, 系统性红斑狼疮, Sjogren-Larsson综合征 详情
CD40L-augmented Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute) 临床二期 H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute 非小细胞肺癌 详情
IBI355 IBI-355 临床一期 信达生物制药(苏州)有限公司 Sjtoegren综合征 详情
Dazodalibep HZN-4920(Horizon Therapeutics); UNII-HN5US76BWF; WHO-11399; VIB-4920; MEDI-4920 临床三期 Medimmune Llc, Horizon Therapeutics PLC 肾脏移植排斥, Sjtoegren综合征, 类风湿关节炎, 器官移植排斥, 狼疮肾炎, Sjogren-Larsson综合征 详情
Tegoprubart AT-1501 临床二期 Als Therapy Development Institute 肾脏移植排斥, 一型糖尿病, 免疫球蛋白a肾病, 肌萎缩性侧索硬化 详情
CD40 ligand expressing MSLN-CAR T cells 临床二期 中国人民解放军总医院 实体瘤 详情
Dapirolizumab pegol Anti-CD40L-Fab; Anti-CD40L-Fab-PEG; CDP-7657; CD40L - Fab; BIIB-133 临床三期 百健, 比利时优时比制药有限公司 自身免疫疾病, 结缔组织疾病, 免疫紊乱, 系统性红斑狼疮, 皮肤和结缔组织疾病 详情
Delolimogene mupadenorepvec LOAd-703 临床二期 Uppsala University, Lokon Pharma 胆管癌, 卵巢癌, 胰腺癌, 结直肠癌, 黑色素瘤 详情
Anti-CD40L antibody (Bristol-Myers Squibb) 临床二期 百时美施贵宝 免疫缺陷性疾病 详情


